In Memory of Doug Groves
It is with deep sadness I write this blog. Monday morning, I woke up to the sad news that Doug Groves had been killed by a wild elephant while in the bush. Here is the story of our relationship:
There is no question that traveling is what inspires every aspect of my work. It is what fuels my energy, my design, and, honestly, inspires me to be, do better and learn more about others. Everything you gain from other peoples, places, and experiences can only improve your life.
Africa is the crown jewel of my travel experiences. Each time I’ve explored this continent, the trip has been so different yet still incredibly eye opening. It is almost indescribable what being in Africa does to you, but what they say is true: it changes you, and you are changed for the better. If I can encourage anyone who has a love for animals, people, a moving experience, travel to Africa (#fortravelsakes). My explorations and moving experiences have brought me to Tanzania to see the migration of the animals, Kenya witnessing the circle of life, South Africa to see Victoria Falls and the Cape of good hope. This doesn’t touch the surface of the experience seeing the animals at each stop… AND the people. Each visit opens up a want for more travel to this amazing mass of land. It is an out of body experience beyond your wildest dreams; you will be changed FOREVER! I hope to return in January 2021 if COVID allows it.
In August 2017, on my second trip to Africa, I traveled South Africa, however, one of our stops was to Maun, Botswana. One particular morning, I had no idea what we were doing but I woke up ready to seize the chilly winter day (cold weather in August is any Mississippian’s dream!) We were driving in the bush in our open aired vehicle and suddenly a small woman, around 5ft tall, was stopped on the side of the road… atop a gigantic elephant. Our driver stopped and they communicated in their language of Setswana, and I assumed we were helping her, as I was extremely perplexed why this tiny little lady was riding an elephant in the bush by herself. Was she not scared a lion or some other predator was near? After the driver and the woman on the elephant finished talking, we drove on and then turned the corner and stopped. We were told to get out of the car. Appearing out of thin air, Doug Groves, came up behind us on an elephant and greeted us. Sandi, his wife, the tiny lady on the side of the road, road up from another direction on her elephant to greet us as well. Talk about an experience!
The rest of the day consisted of hearing about their mission and the story of Marula and Jabu, the elephants that this couple has given a second chance. Their 30 year commitment to world class care and refuge to orphaned elephants is jaw-dropping. We walked with Jabu, holding his trunk like holding hands. Marula laid down for us to see how large her feet are and appreciate the anatomy of this enormous creature. I felt like I was in their living room giving love to their house pets! We had a delicious, five-star outdoor lunch as these two orphaned elephants entertained us in their sanctuary. The stories Doug and Sandi shared of Marula and Jabu’s guardianship are priceless. Elephants are incredible mammals that love like humans. Truly, this is one of the most amazing experiences I have encountered. I was hoping to visit them again in January of 2021. No matter what, Doug will never be forgotten; he was truly one of the greats. I grieve with Sandi, Jabu, and Marula.
If you are able, consider donating to their foundation, linked here, and following their social media page (@livingwithelephants) for updates.